I'm glad to get your reply

Jiro Tajika SGT02326@niftyserve.or.jp
Sat, 02 Sep 1995 14:10:00 +0900

Hello Mr.Keith A. McGavern:

>Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 21:46:14 -0600 (MDT)
>From: Kam544@aol.com
>Errors-To: pianotech@byu.edu
>To: Multiple recipients of list <pianotech@byu.edu>
>Tajika san,
>You have represented yourself beyond reproach.  It is "well with my soul" to
>hear someone from Japan on this wonderful Pianotech.

   I appreciate to your kind word. I heard about Panotech from
Mr.John musselwhite and I always read enjoyably "Wondeful Pianotech"
It's very useful to me.

>Matai imoshu, atamodachi (my spelling is weak, but hopeful the meaning is

   I guees you meant "We are friend", don't you ? If it's so,
to be precise, the spelling is "Watashi-tachi otomodach". However
I was very surprised because I never think there are someone who
speaks Japanese on Pianotech. Thank you.

Jiro Tajika



>Keith A. McGavern, RPT
>Oklahoma Chapter

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