Correct spellings, questions

Jiro Tajika
Mon, 04 Sep 1995 06:31:00 +0900

Hello Mr.Keith A. McGavern:

> Would you help me to know at your convenience a few spellings of Japanese
> like you did your last post:

Sure! If you had any questions about Japanese, please let me to know.
I want to try explaining.

> Dozo - please ?
> Mata - Until we meet again ?
> Di jobu - okay ?
> Skoshi - little bit ?
> Hai - Yes ?
These are quite correct.

> ? - one moment please ?        ->Skoshi matte-kudasai
> Anatawa utacashi desu ?- You are very beautiful.?
  -> Anatawa utsukushi desu
> Onano kokokura neko nemas? - A woman's heart is like a cat's eyes?
  -> On'na-no kokorowa nekono meno-yoh
> Ohio gasaimus - Good morning ? -> Oha-yoh gozaimus
> Konichiwa - Good afternoon ?   -> Kon'nichiwa
> Kombawa - Good evening ?       -> Kombanwa
> ? - no          -> Iie
> ? - welcome     -> Yoh-koso
  You're welcome. -> Doh-itashimashite
These are almost correct, to be precise, correct spellings is like these.

> PS - Do you use first names like in United States or is *san* always used?
> What is main religion in Japan?

Yes, you can use both first name and "san".
The main religion in Japan is Buddhism and Shinto, I think.
If you had more questions about Japan, it's OK to mail me directly.

                                                          With regards

Jiro Tajika


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