re; Pitch raising
Fri, 07 Jun 1996 21:00:17 -0400

 John Piesik asks;

>I'm curious how you all do pitch raises.

Well, in the past, those of us on this list have found that there is a
variety of ways in which we raise the pitch.
      Seems the two main groups are those that raise tension very quickly and
then go back and tune carefully, and others that tune carefully as they raise
the pitch, and hope to go back for just touch-up the second time through.

     I am much prefer the first method.  With a SAT

     If the instrument is 100 cents flat, I will tune the first pass (approx
time, 20 minutes), at 15 cents sharp.  I hate to take the bass strings 25
cents over pitch, just to compensate for board and plate compression. Often,
I have found that the second time through is a tuning, and using the built-in
pitch raise function on the SAT leaves a very usable tuning,(not for
studios!) and the trip back in a month or three is  best for the customer.

    If the piano is 20 cents flat,  I raise pitch as per SAT correction for
the first time through, (20 minutes),  and then tune it again, as carefully
as I can.

     If the piano is 4 cents flat,  I tune once, carefully and use the pitch
raise compensation, resetting more often than once an octave.

      That's one person's way,  but there are others that are valid.  It
depends on the person doing the work.

      Charging by the hour ($60 per hour= $1 per minute) for the pitch raise,
and a standard fee for tuning seems to be understandable to my customers.

Regards to all
Ed Foote

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