Case restoration

Charles K. Ball
Tue, 11 Jun 1996 08:01:43 -0500

>I got a call from a museum in another state about restoring an old
>Kimball grand piano that belonged to some famous family.  In addition
>to the technical restoration it needs, the case needs refinishing, veneer
>repair and replacement etc.
>Who does this kind of case work REALLY well.  They will ship the piano
>wherever it needs to go for this.  The main consideration is quality of
>the work.  Please help me with some suggestions.

Morning Dave,

I am pleased to strongly recommend the finish work of my local colleague,
Mollberg (512-444-2210).  He has done several pianos for our School and for
my private clients, and his work is always first rate.  Bernard is an
active member of the Austin Chapter.



Charles Ball
School of Music
University of Texas at Austin

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