Net Meeting

John Musselwhite
Tue, 12 Aug 1997 12:51:01 -0600

Not that I want to put in a plug for Microsoft or anything... <g>

At 04:47 PM 8/11/97 -0600, Don wrote:

>If you have a sound card and a may be interested in Net
>meeting. It is a free program from Microsoft...which allows real time voice
>communication over the internet... The quality of the sound is very
>competitive with a telephone....
>The price is is free :)

I might also add that it supports "conferences" of up to 30 people, has a
"whiteboard" so people can draw or write on a common shared board, has
built-in video-phone capabilities (between two people at one time), allows
for file transfers and has the facility for people to "collaborate" on a
single application run on another computer.

Not bad for a "free" program!

I'll have it on for a while tonight (Tuesday) while we're in the #pianotech
live chat channel if anyone wants to try it out. I'm not "listed" in their
directory since that can lead to unwanted calls, but can be located with my
email address if I'm on-line. 

BTW, I've copied this to PTG-L because it may be of interest to local
chapters and perhaps even at the national level. Netmeeting could
conceivably be used to host chapter executive meetings, board meetings and
even chapter mini-technicals for those chapters with members some distance
away from each other. For some of our own members an internet connection
costs less than just the gas to drive here and attending a "cyber-meeting"
with handouts and video would certainly be more convenient than the trip
here for chapter meetings every month. 

John Musselwhite, RPT               
Calgary, Alberta Canada

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