Loose tuning pins in bass

Glenn rockymtn@sprynet.com
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 19:52:38 -0600

> From: Ted Simmons <ted@PALMNET.NET>

> Today I tuned
> another grand with the same problem and recalled a post about using super
> glue without removing the tuning pins.  

I heard this and tried it.  I heard you are supposed to use Satellite
City's RED Hot Stuff.  The shop that told me about this said they once had
to scrape a vertical off the floor because the stuff went through the
tuning pins holes all the way and glued the piano to the floor!  

I tried this on my now sold 1986 Cable Aeolian console.  I laid it on the
floor (with rags beneath it!) and put red Hot Stuff around every pin.  Make
sure you have very adequate ventilation!  There was a slight improvement on
the loose pins.  I had hoped for more but I think that is because I am
picky and I like tight pins.  If I had to do it again I would use MORE

The shop that told me of this procedure is a large, well established 100+
year old dealer.  This is all they use for pin tightening by liquid.  


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