Brother Can You Spare a Time???
Fri, 23 May 1997 03:13:24 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Folks,

<<At the request of Keith Kopp (ETS Pacific Northwest Chair)>>

     The Exam folks are looking for some help at the PTG-Convention. Folks
willing to help with Tuning Exams at the Convention need to contact Keith
Kopp by snail mail or phone call. You will NOT be sucked into a black-hole of
marathon tuning/testing nor handcuffed to the test-site (...alternative
discipline will be used...). They just need a few good persons to donate a
time commitment for at at least ONE test period. OK? Your help will be
appreciated. Please contact off-line members who are attending the
convention, and let your Chapter Newsletter Editors zap a notice into the
next edition. Thanks folks!

Brother Can You Spare a Time?
Keith Kopp (PNW ETS Sub-Chair)
61283 Killowan
Bend, OR 97702
(541) 388-3741

(Oh! And thanks for yours, folks!)
Jeffrey T. Hickey, RPT
Oregon Coast Piano Services
TunerJeff @

ps- Those who cannot tolerate primitive forms of communications (ie;
Snail-Mail, Land-lines, Pigeons, Smoke-signals and the like...) can zap an
E-Mail message to me, I'll faithfully forward these to Keith.

pps- For the Tech-List folks who struggled to the end, seeking a grain of
technical knowledge amongst this chaff;

                 <<<SETTING LET-OFF IN UPRIGHT PIANOS...>>>

     Let-off can be quickly and accurately set in uprights with the use of a
small piece of wood, two screws, a thick rubber mute or two, and a let-off
tool. The wood should be about 10-12" in length and about1/2" thick (Mine
came from stock used by Dampp-Chaser to stiffen their shipment in it's
cardboard tube-thingie...).

     The wooden piece is slid behind the hammer shanks in each section,
parallel to the hammer-rest-rail, the two screws are inserted to stop it from
plunging below the hammer-rest-rail (..ummm...mine came from extra screws
provided by the same company with their fine products...odd isn't it?...).

     The hammers are lifted toward the strings ( the rail!) and the
rubber mute(s) slid into the action bracket(s) under the rest-rail to support
the hammers at about 1/8" from the strings.

     Depressing the keys will quickly show where let-off is, and which way to
turn the let-off buttons. The ideal is a VERY slight 'bump' of the hammer by
the jack when the keys are depressed. You will quickly learn to feel/hear the
correct 'click/tick!' as the hammer just winks off the wooden board you've
put behind the shanks along the rest-rail. Let-off is quickly and accurately

     I've never heard or seen a better, quicker, or more reliable way to set
let-off in upright pianos...except to have someone else do it, mebbe. Set
let-off to whatever specs your heart, teacher, regulation guideline book, or
factory specifications require. 1/8" is simply a ballpark  figure to hang the
description from and works for most American-made ancient hoary uprights...
like the one I worked on today for instance. Enjoy!

Your patience is appreciated,
Jeffrey T. Hickey, RPT
Oregon Coast Piano Services
TunerJeff @

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