PT Journal Index (Confused now)

Ted Simmons
Thu, 30 Apr 1998 20:21:17 -0400

To all subscribers,
   I have been indexing Journal articles since about 1972 when I joined
PTG.  The only problem is that it's on MAC format, specifically the
Filemaker Pro program.  I intend to bring a floppy disk to Providence and
offer it to Steve Brady.  If he wants it, OK; if not, also OK.  I have a
pretty extensive Journal file and can find anything that's been written
since about 1972; and it's all on my hard disk but can be copied onto a
floppy.  It requires Filemaker Pro or Claris Works to read it.  So hang in
there; there may be more to come.

Ted Simmons

>Journal indexes have been published in the past; it is my understanding
>they have sold relatively poorly.
>Indexes in book form are more-or-less out of date as soon as they are
>published.  Out-of-date indexes are a drag.
>I do not know the details, but a computerized Journal index was published
>independently by an individual in the past, but no longer. Perhaps it was
>"before its time."
>Speaking only for myself, I believe that the answer as to how best to
>handle a Journal index is to 1) think of it as a member benefit rather
>than a revenue source and 2) publish it online so that it can be updated
>monthly. Although it is true that not all techs are online and could
>directly access an online index themselves, the off-line techs could
>still make a phone call to the home office or someone they know with
>online access (RVP's and other computer geeks) and get the info they seek.
>It is my expectation that any CD-ROM of Journal articles would include an
>index.  I do not believe that a Journal index would be a large enough
>project to warrant being published by itself on a CD-ROM.
>>Would it be possible to ... incorporate Danny Boone's
>>material, give Barbara a hefty royalty for using it, supplement it with the
>>missing and newer material, then market it as a PTG publication?
>See above for my take on the situation. I believe the PTG has compiled
>data in-house for indexing the Journal and could publish an index with
>this data.
>Kent Swafford

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