new American toy

Sat, 2 May 1998 18:52:30 -0500

Hi All,
I had been deciding which 14" bandsaw to buy, a Jet (Taiwanese)or a Delta. 
There was around $150 difference between the real thing and the Jet being a
very good copy of the Delta.  I spent the extra money and got the Delta
with the enclosed stand, 1 hp motor, rip fence, and mobile base.  Got it
from Woodworkers supply and it was delivered to my wifes office by truck
yesterday.  I went by and reloaded it on my truck to bring to the shop. 
Talk about heavy, wow.  I spent last evening and part of today putting it
all together.  Trued up the saw according to the directions and in the
process of assembly and adjusting I found out where the extra money goes. 
The blade guides had adjusting knobs that worked along a threaded rod that
adjusted very smoothly and easily.  In fact, this is the first big tool I
have bought that went together really great the first time.  The pulley on
the motor shaft is machined steel and looks like a work of art.  I am very
impressed.  The good part is I succumbed and paid more, thinking I would
get real quality that showed.  I was right and I am very glad I paid more
and got something I am now very proud of and it was made here in America. 
I am impressed.

Long live quality tools made in America.
James Grebe
R.P.T. of the P.T.G. from St. Louis, MO. USA, Earth
" Is recreation the same as re-creation?.".

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