Slightly off topic but funny (NOT FOR ME)

Susan Kline
Sat, 02 May 1998 17:23:08

At 04:12 PM 5/2/98 -0700, Don Rose wrote:
>Hi Susan et al,
>I would have thought that a transition period with the humdifier *full* but
>non functional would be *better* than simply *jerking* the system *out*

Well, Don, I don't know, since I have the good fortune to live in a place
which never requires the addition of water to pianos. Maybe some others
could tell us what they think?

Best wishes,


Susan Kline
P.O. Box 1651
Philomath, OR 97370		

"I'm glad there are at least some things somewhere that I don't have to do
		-- Ashleigh Brilliant

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