Sciortino Coil Maker

John Woodrow
Mon, 04 May 1998 09:25:49 +1000

On Sat, 2 May 1998 12:39:03 -0400 you wrote:
>I gouged a few plates when I started using it. Finally, after much
cursing, I learned how to PROPERLY use it.
Ralph Martin<

I have also 'gouged a few plates' with this tool.  However, my fix has been
nothing more scientific than just to keep an eye on the distance to the
plate.  On the heavier bass strings I find it tends to tip sideways which
lowers the 'hook'.  In these cases I just finish the remainder of the coil
without the tool. 

Appreciate any comments you may have on how to better use this terrific tool. 

John Woodrow
Sydney, Australia

Telephone:	61-2-99236103
Fax:		61-2-99236099

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