bridge problem

Mon, 4 May 1998 18:39:07 EDT

In a message dated 98-05-04 12:57:29 EDT, you write:

>regarding the repair, ....any indication of how much time would be involved.
>is a very big help, as I'm new at this, and haven't a clue as to how to
>bill things.


To figure out how much to charge the customer, ask yourself, how much do I
charge to tune a piano, and how long does it take me? Then devide those
figures, adn that is how much you should charge per hour for your work. 

Since you have never done this sort of thing before, it would be better to
give the customer a high bid, and then reduce it if it takes less time, that
to give a low bid, and either have to reajust it, or eat the loss. 

Specifically, how long does a bridge repair take?  I would think you can get
in and out of there in about 3 hours. But since you have never done this,
allow 4 hours. You will also have to make a return call to retune the piano,
(unless you have not tuned it in the first place, and still have to do that),
so be sure to add that to the estimate.. 

Willem Blees  RPT
St. Louis

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