Steinway vertical

Clyde Hollinger
Mon, 04 May 1998 20:42:41 -0400

Dear list,

A church, whose two pianos I have been servicing since 1986, was
recently recipient of a donated new Steinway vertical piano.  I have
several questions I hope someone can answer:

1.  Is this one of the difficult-to-tune 1098s?  It measures about 46
1/4" high and has the number 45 cast in the plate.

2.  If so, would you recommend I service the piano (I'm not hurting for
work), or should I let the Steinway dealer's people wrestle with it?

3.  It was signed by Henry Steinway on the top surface inside the lid. 
Does that have any specific meaning or does it increase the value of the

4.  When facing the front of the piano, the soundboard appears to have a
deliberately made saw kerf about 7 or 8" long in the lower right corner,
parallel with the woodgrain.  What is its purpose?  I never noticed
anything like this before.

Thank you.
Clyde Hollinger, RPT
Lititz, PA

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