bridge problem

Carl Root
Tue, 05 May 1998 16:05:06 -0400

Barrie Heaton wrote:
> Of course, as Carl pointed out the correct way would be to change the
> Bridge.  However, I believe cost is the overriding factor for this job.
> That is the reason why I would use this type of repair, plus it can be
> done on site with minimal inconvenience and cost to the client.

Replacing a bridge does not require taking the piano to the shop.  The
time and materials would be somewhat greater, but this is one case where
you might want to give them champagne for their beer budget just for the
experience benefit to you.  Maybe split the difference.

I've epoxied bridges before....... once jammed a wedge between the back
edge of the bridge and the plate in an old Acrosonic to close a crack in
the back row of bridge pins.  Restored the offset.  No more buzz. 
Thought it might work loose, but hasn't so far.   


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