Caster Cups -Reply -Reply

Steve Pearson
Tue, 05 May 1998 16:02:41 -0700

Not as dramatically as the grands, but quite effective.  If it is a standard
model Yamaha, and possibly some others as well, they will have
templates.  Otherwise, a tracing would be required.  A piece which may
be velcro'd or whatever, on the rear surface of the lower frame board
might also help.  Call LaRoy Edwards for details.  (408)338-1828 for
additional information.

>>> Barrie Heaton <> 05/05/98 12:33pm >>>
Hi Steve,

How well does the foam work on uprights, I have a customer with a
dis who is complaining its too loud for the small dining room.  I don't
really want to tone it down as he will complain its too quiet when he
moves it in to the large dining hall for the odd bash.


In article <>, Steve Pearson
<> writes
>Gregory wrote <As to quieting with foam, yes, a piano can be quieted
>somewhat with foam under the soundboard and above the strings.>  
>True, but it's more than a bit, depending on the foam.  The foam 3"
>Markerfoam under the sounding board drops the volume of a grand
>by 5db, which is perceived as almost half as loud, say, 40%.  A blanket
>of 2" foam, drops it another one or two db.  For the sake of perspective,
>raising the lid on a grand makes 1db difference.  


Barrie Heaton                                  |  Be Environmentally Friendly
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