charging for service

Peggy C. Bie
Tue, 05 May 1998 20:53:55 -0400

I am a visually disabled elderly widow.  Say I have a problem with my piano or
organ.  I have no income but a measly govt pension for disability.  I call you
and need a screw tightened.  Since I am visually impaired I can't see the slot
in the screw.  I ask for help.  In order to get it (I live alone, no husband
or kids or greedy selfish neighbors will help), I should pay you for your
vacation, for your office expenses, for your overhead, for your driving to 200
other customers, etc ad nauseum.  God free me from contacting you.  What
happened to "love your neighbor"?  Do you assume I have savings or the ability
to earn an income?  I not only can't afford you, I don't want you.  I'd rather
do without.  Poor young mothers, abandoned by men, can't afford day care and
music lessons, much less instruments or instrument repaired.  Maybe I should
learn to hate music.  Maybe I should hate our greedy society.  Why should any
customer pay you for your overhead?  I WILL NOT.  In fact, I don't even want
to know you.  May God have mercy on your souls, blood-suckers.
Peggy C. Bie
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." -Anais Nin

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