oops! concert panic answer (and question)

Ron Koval drwoodwind@hotmail.com
Wed, 06 May 1998 09:08:03 PDT

Congratulations to Joe Goss who answered correctly to the Yamaha damper 
ring-through problem.  The fall board on this instrument can be lifted 
out without removing any screws, just a slightly tricky spring clip on 
the left side.  This one was out on one side and resting on the keys.  I 
was preparing for the worst, but glad to find a simple solution!

Now, my question.   

At the school where I work,  I've moved a Whitney grand (itty bitty) 
into a storeroom for additional practice for some of our students.  I 
know this piano has gotten some PSO (piano shaped object) references in 
the past, but I'd like to make this thing sound nice.  One teacher has 
expressed an interest in using this for recording - yikes!  Since I work 
at the school, time is really no object, but money is.  It would be hard 
to convince the money people to pay to rescale, or re hammer this 
instrument.  I'll try any voicing, tuning (Bill B. did you mention an 
appropriate HT for small pianos a while back?) regulating hints that the 
list may come up with and post back the results.  Also any recording 
tricks to come up with a "good" sound?

Ron greatfullforthislist Koval
Curie High School for the Technical and Fine Arts

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