charging for service (rant and rave)

Bill Ballard
Thu, 7 May 1998 08:36:47 -0400

I've changed my theory of who the Rev. Bie really is. She/He/It is actually
one of Santa's elves sent around to find out who's been naughty and and
who's been nice. (The theory next up is that she/he/it is a spook from the

We given her/him/it our sympathy, and as much  of an education as she/he/it
might need, as to why we're running our business so that we won't end up in
her position. Let's leave it Bie for now, but don't forget to report to the
list if you get a lump of coal in your Xmas stocking.

Bill Ballard, RPT
New Hampshire Chapter, PTG

"If ducks were smart enough and well-built enough, they'd be shooting at
us. It's not my fault they can't aim and shoot."
    Talk Show host Rush Lamebaugh, explaining why duck hunting is a sport,

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