Plate pin hole size

Tom Cole
Thu, 07 May 1998 19:23:49 -0700

John R Fortiner wrote:
> Dear List:
>         When drilling a hole in a cast iron plate in order to install a
> new plate pin that measures 0.157" should I use a slightly undersized bit
> like 5/32 which is 0.1562 or should I drill a hole that is 0.157" with a
> #22 drill bit?


You would want to have something of an interference fit but how much
interference I couldn't say. There are certain anomolies to consider
such as the fact that your 5/32" drill is probably smaller than 0.1562"
or the new hitch pin may not be round. I would experiment by drilling
with the 5/32" bit first, then graduating to the larger number bits
until the desired fit is achieved.

Thomas A. Cole RPT
Santa Cruz, CA

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