coils etc.

Vince Mrykalo
Fri, 08 May 1998 19:53:51 -0600

To go along with what the others have said about this, there is a nice
little piece about the subject in the June 1977 PT Journal on page 8 and 9.  

At 05:29 PM 5/8/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi list and Susan,
>I have read this before, but would like to know why, as Susan wrote a few
>days ago, the top of the the coil should ideally pass over the hole on the
>opposite side. What is ideal about this? 
>Howard S. Rosen, RPT
>Boynton Beach, Florida
Vince Mrykalo RPT
Intelligence is like a river.  The deeper it runs, the less noise it makes.

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