coils etc.

Susan Kline
Fri, 08 May 1998 21:32:28

Glenn wrote:
>Okay so to put this to practical use, say I have a grand and some of the
>coils appear open.  This discussion started with "tapping" them down.  If
>they are already below the other end of the becket hole then tapping them
>would make them lower.  So should I lift them, then tap them, or is lifting
>enough?  I feel a bit uncomfortable lifting them at pitch so I usually lower
>them enough to make it easier.  When I do this the tuning stability seems
>thrown off because I end up with some slippage around the hitch pin (recent
>restringing) and I think in general strings lowered then raised that much in
>one sitting need so settle again.
>What would be the procedure for me here?

Others should answer you, who have more experience in dealing with pianos
that have been restrung. I use the idea of covering half the hole when I'm
restringing a piano myself.

There's also the problem that if the coils are _really_ badly turned the
first time, and pulled to pitch, they "remember" and never _really_ get
neat in a stable way. Not that one can't improve matters by tapping, etc.
Total height above the plate will matter a lot, too, in determining what
should (or can) be done.

Sorry I can't be more help ...


Susan Kline
P.O. Box 1651
Philomath, OR 97370		

"I'm glad there are at least some things somewhere that I don't have to do
		-- Ashleigh Brilliant

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