Baldwin Acrosonic

Roger Jolly
Sat, 09 May 1998 17:32:38

Just tap the strings to the bridge, and mate the hammers to the strings,
usually that will cure the problem. Also improve your tuning stability.
Regards Roger

At 03:37 PM 5/9/98 -0700, you wrote:
>  Just finished tuning a Baldwin Acrosonic #616658.  Wierd!  I had trouble
>getting good unisons on the wound double strings in the lower register.
>When the unisons were good, the individual strings measured as much as 6
>cents apart on the SAT.  The higher partials were fighting like crazy.  The
>strings are orginal, the piano (though new to me) was not far out.  There
>was a lot of false beating in the upper register, but overall, not a bad

Roger Jolly
Balwin Yamaha Piano Centres.

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