Personal animosity

Clyde Hollinger
Sat, 09 May 1998 23:17:26 -0400


I was hoping no more posts like this would rear their heads.  Every time
I see one, I feel a deep sense of shame for even being associated with
pianotech.  What is the motive behind posting such a paragraph?  Please,
men and women, please don't respond with like attitude.  Once and for
all, can we agree to send such posts privately, keep malice off this
list, and show kindness?  

Clyde Hollinger, RPT
Lititz, PA

Edward Carwithen wrote:

> PS... BillBrpt.. Don't bother to answer.  I filter out everything that > has your name on it.  So even if you have something obnoxious to say, >I won't recieve it.

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