Knight Piano Co??? Anyone???

Elian Degen
Mon, 11 May 1998 23:13:49 -0400


I was kind of late reading your mail and by what I red of the responses
everything has been said already, I am just going to add a couple of lines.

I live in Caracas, Venezuela.

Caracas is aprox 2.700 feet above sea level, with a relative humidity of
about 80% very hot in summer and a real tropical wether, I had lots of
problems with many piano brands because of this, but I never had problems
with Knight pianos. I strongly recomend them, I have been servicing many of
these instruments most of them very old. To this date I consider them to be
the best British piano on this market.

Hope it helped

Elian Degen  Piano Tuner and Technician, Caracas, Venezuela

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Robert Goodale <>
Para: <>
Fecha: Jueves 7 de Mayo de 1998 17:13
Asunto: Knight Piano Co??? Anyone???

>Hello all,
>A local music store has a NEW "Knight" upright piano for sale.  I have
>personally not seen it. A music teacher has inquired about it but I have
>know personal experience with this brand. I am assuming this is the same
>"Alfred Knight" brand that is produced in England. Can anyone tell me
>about the relative quality of these instruments? Are there any other
>modern "Knight" pianos out there which it could be?
>Rob Goodale, RPT

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