Schirmer Pianos

Anne Beetem
Tue, 12 May 1998 21:46:06 -0400

So,  now that we've thumbs ups on Knights,  what can people tell me about
the "Schirmer" piano?

I had a fine time playing one in Miami last weekend, and was surprised and
delighted at the touch and sound (excepting I would have liked a bit more
defined a bass), particularly for the price, a 6 ft. grand for about $15K.

I believe it is from Czech republic?  Anybody?   Comments on quality?

It had a Schwander action,  Abel hammers, I believe.

Anne,  who likes modern pianos too, you know.

Anne Beetem
Harpsichords & Historic Pianos
2070 Bingham Ct.
Reston, VA  20191

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