Shafer & Sons

David ilvedson
Wed, 13 May 1998 16:10:17 +0000


I have a Shafer & Sons PSO with missing Fallboard "pivot plate" 
(from Mason's book).  Does anyone know where parts can be had 
for these pianos?  I tried the vice-grips on the hammers of this 
piano and the tone improved a lot.  I'll be checking in a couple 
of weeks as to the longevity.  

Sometime ago I was posting about a "Chickering" 507 with a 
damaged "continuous hinge" (from Mason's book).  I ordered a 
replacement from Baldwin and installed it with no problems. (I 
did repair a couple of stripped holes ala Roger Jolly's 
recommendation with 5 min epoxy.  "No CA" he said...what I 
noticed was the lack of screw holes in the hinge.  Typically the 
long hinge has many such as this arrangement [ : : : : : ].  
What this Chickering had was 18 screws holding the two lids 
together.  This must be saving money for Baldwin but it is 
totally inadequate.  I sure the damage occurred because of the 
lack of mechanical attachment aka screws.  My Kawai upstairs has 
60 screws holding the lids together.  I think this is a mistake 
on Baldwins part in manufacturing.  What thinks the List?


David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA

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