Setting let-off blindly (wasY-C Aftertouch)

Newton Hunt
Fri, 15 May 1998 10:04:00 -0400

<< What do you use to check let-off without measuring?  I would be
interested in learning about that.  >>

I preferto use strips of magnetic plastic that is about 1/16" thick. 
This is available from sign makers and from science project supply
houses.  I place these strings under the strings at the strike point and
use a hook (made from coat hammer wire) to lift the hammers to the
guage.  I then adjust the letoff until I can just feel the jack rub the

I use tape to hold the strips under the bass strings.

I set the letoff a little snug in the treble to just a whisper of
contact in the bass, hence my letoff is tapered from bass to treble.

I have used this for years since I prefer to regulate at the piano
instead of the shop or on a bench.

I have taught this tecnique to the visually impaired for years.


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