Steinway damper "thump"

Edward Carwithen
Sat, 16 May 1998 16:30:58 -0700

You have wwaaaayyyy too much time on your hands. :)

At 06:09 PM 5/16/98 EDT, you wrote:
>  In honor of your nomenclaturing the "thumping noises" the following tune
>should be hummed/sung to the tune of "Life Would Be A Dream":
>DOINK-SSHHOOOOSSSHH-WHUMP di da da di dada da oh'
>DOINK-SSHHOOOOSSSHH-WHUMP, life would be a dream Steinway,
>DOINK-SSHHOOOOSSSHH-WHUMP, if your dampers only worked just so,
>di da da di dada da oh' instead no, no, oh no,  
>its DOINK-SSHHOOOOSSSHH-WHUMP you gooooooo Sweetheart!
>Jim Bryant (FL)
Ed Carwithen

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