Rim repair

Frank Cahill fcahill@erols.com
Sat, 16 May 1998 21:11:38 -0400

Hi all!

I am the one who originally asked about the rim repair.

I would like to thank everyone who put in their two-cents worth!  I even
received an e-mail from a local machinist who has volunteered to make me
some plugs. We had a nice conversation on the phone.

I am impressed that so many people had a comment on this. Some of the
folks were  VERY well known in the paino world. I am most grateful that
all of you took the time to help me out.

Although I have completed the Randy Potter course, attended one of his
advanced training seminars, and passed the PTG written exam on the first
try, I realize that there is lots more to learn.

Thanks for the help.

Frank Cahill
Assoc Member
N. Va.

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