Need info on a Schimmel Grand

Sun, 17 May 1998 12:34:45 EDT

Hi List,

I have a customer with a 1958 6'2" Schimmel Grand  (s/n 42387).   He has asked
me to provide an appraisal for insurance purposes.  (This is the only Schimmel
I have seen.)  I called Schimmel about 10 days ago and left a request for some
info, but have heard nothing.  <strike one>

I found a Schimmel Web Page, but it's all in German.  (My 14 year old daughter
tried to translate it for me, but all she kept saying was,"Oh,...I should know
that word..........Oh,...we use that word in class all the time)    And I did
not find any links to other information, <strike two>  although they say there
will be an English version of the page sometime this summer

Now I'm looking for help here.  The piano has been well maintained, and it has
been covered all of it's life.   And the finish looks very much like
polyester.  (could it be?  Pierce dates it as 1958)  The dampers have a
plastic shell over them for some reason.

The case is also wider in the tail section then any other grand I've seen.  At
one point I was going to order a new cover for the piano, and the pattern was
unlike anything Instrument Covers had seen.

So, anyone got an idea on what a 40 year old Schimmel might be worth, or can
anyone give me an idea what a new Schimmel Grand (6'2") might go for?  I can
figure the depreciation.  Thanks in advance for any help.

Gordon Large, RPT

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