Dream Come True]

Wimblees Wimblees@aol.com
Sun, 17 May 1998 14:21:54 EDT

In a message dated 98-05-16 01:42:23 EDT, you write:

<< A few weeks ago there were some posts about wishing there was a way to
 have music scores come up on a screen with
 automatic page turning.  I would like to announce that this dream is a
 reality, for those piano tuners who are musicians.
 Simply purchase one of the many music notation software programs that
 allows viewing the score while the music is played.
 I personally use FINALE97 for Windows.

I am looking for the day when all the musicians in an orchestra, or bell
choir, or any performing group, will all have a screen of front of them,
instead of a stand and music, so that musicians don't have to turn pages
either. All of the screens would be connected to the condcutor and during
rehearsals, he/she would punch in the measure he/she would like the group to
start on, and no one would have the excuse of not coming in at the right

Willem Blees  RPT
St. Louis

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