Apologies and thoughts (non-technical off topic)

Paul McCloud smccloud@ix.netcom.com
Mon, 18 May 1998 21:39:15 -0700

Greg, List:
	I have to agree with Susan.  It takes a lot to admit one's mistakes. 
We hear a lot about "character", and whether it matters or not.  It most
certainly does.  It is easier to point out the sliver in another's eye
than the log in our own.  
	I must say I am impressed with the integrity of those on this list- I
wouldn't look forward to reading my mail if I wasn't. .  I'm a better
piano technician today because of people like you-all.  Thanks for being
	Regarding the so-called bickering, the age we live in today is
characterized by quarrel and confusion.  We can fight over the drop of a
hat.  Let us human beings not fight like the animals do, but maintain a
humble position and "turn the other cheek".  What do we care if someone
disagrees with us?  It ultimately doesn't matter.  I like to hear all
the opinions of the list, even if I choose not to agree with some of
	I will say that I have learned a LOT from all contributors to this
list, even to say that I consider this list a GOLD MINE of information. 
Every member of the Guild should be introduced to this form of
communication, and should seriously consider investing in a computer and
e-mail just to have this resource available.
	Paul McCloud RPT
	San Diego, CA

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