Apologies and thoughts (non-technical off topic)

Susan Kline skline@proaxis.com
Mon, 18 May 1998 21:50:33

At 09:39 PM 5/18/98 -0700, Paul McCloud wrote:
>Greg, List:
>	I have to agree with Susan.  It takes a lot to admit one's mistakes. 

Dear Paul,

I certainly agree with this, and with the rest of your fine post. However,
you seem to be referring to today's post by Gina, not by me. 

(Great minds thinking alike? <g> again? <g>)



Susan Kline
P.O. Box 1651
Philomath, OR 97370

"Where will it all end? -- Probably somewhere near where it all began."
				-- Ashleigh Brilliant

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