CA Glue

Tue, 19 May 1998 09:41:42 -0700

Hi all,

The scene:

An old junk upgright--most certainly not worth any rebuilding--but a family

Owner wanted it *fixed* at minimal cost. CA glue on the pins (torque before
less than 20 in/lbs).

Being an avid reader here I decided to follow the trend to *more* glue
rather than less. I used six ounces in total. One week later I went back to
tune the instrument. I go down in pitch before I raise on older pianos just
to free any corrosion. The pins felt *strange* to me--different than any
others I had encountered. You can imagine my horror when at note c3 the
tuning pin began to bend as I went down in pitch. Clearly the pin would
shear off before it began to turn. Fortunately, I had been up front with
the client and warned them that anything was possible, though I rather
expected the pins to not tighten enough.

Yes folks CA works! But sometimes there is *too much* of a good thing. 

Older and wiser in Regina!

Your friend, Don (six drops now) Rose

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