Protek Turns Green

Tue, 19 May 1998 16:44:35 -0700

Don: there's one fly in this ointment.  Air.  When you use the valve
dropper, air returns in, leaving a mixture of air and the suspected
offender around the valve of the spout.  I suspect you might wait a long
time to see anything happen in the jar.  Is there a way to expose the
pins to air -- such as taping them near the top of the inside of the
jar, then opening the lid a couple times a week to introduce the air
that is necessary for oxidation?

Don Mannino wrote:
> I am going to put some Protec in a small plastic bottle with some > center pins today, date the bottle, and put it on the shelf. Maybe in a > year or so it will tell me something.

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