Protek Turns Green

Kent Swafford
Tue, 19 May 1998 16:26:50 -0500

Don Mannino wrote:

>The concern here, folks, is if it turns green (i.e., causing oxidation
>of the brass?), will it also have the same affect on center pins?
>Or was there some other agent involved, such as another material having
>been in the same bottle previously? If no one else has experienced this,
>then maybe we can write this off as a quirk. If others have found it,
>then maybe further investigation is warranted.
>I am going to put some Protec in a small plastic bottle with some center
>pins today, date the bottle, and put it on the shelf. Maybe in a year or
>so it will tell me something.
>Don Mannino RPT

I have mentioned several times here that Protek turns green in some 
situations, including when kept in the brass-spouted Schaff container.  
Don, I'll bet your Protek + center pins solution show results in days, 
not years.  My _guess_ is that the reaction with brass comes from the 
solvent in Protek and not the lubricant itself;  I have seen no green 
reaction from Protek in actual use, that is, where the solvent has 
evaporated off.

Kent Swafford

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