
Susan Kline
Tue, 19 May 1998 14:21:40

At 10:56 AM 5/19/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have a problem with a new console piano. A few of the hammer return
>springs are clicking. 2 in particular are very bad. I tried weakening the
>spring on one and that made it worse. I tried pencil lead on the hammer
>butt on the other with no improvement.
>Regards, Don

Try putting some (a little) VJ lube in an umbrella rib and run it down so
the spring tracks through it?


Susan Kline
P.O. Box 1651
Philomath, OR 97370		

"I'm glad there are at least some things somewhere that I don't have to do
		-- Ashleigh Brilliant

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