
Tue, 19 May 1998 19:17:06 -0700

Hi All,

A clarification may be in order. The click ceases if I move it off the
hammer butt. I can visually see the spring going *sproing* when I hear the
click. The click happens when I mearly lift the hammer to the string
slowly. There are a total of six and 2 are loud enough to hear when the
case is closed and music is being played.

At 06:34 PM 5/19/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Sometimes on butts without the felt in the crease, the butt actually hits
>the butt-spring.
>It also may be incomplete gluing of the hammer, shanks, or catcher, too. 
>Check those out.
>Bill Schlipf  Bloomington, IL
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Regards, Don

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