Master Piano Tuner

Vince Mrykalo
Wed, 20 May 1998 08:10:36 +0000

Forgive me for skirting the point of your post and nit-picking a side point
here, but I don't want to let this go.  
The 'old' way of testing was *not* always easier, just not standardized.
When I took it, believe me, it was not easier!
And it was just as "hands-on" as the standardized one is.

At 12:57 AM 5/20/98 -0400, you wrote:
> . . . there was a vote taken as to whether the RPTs
>that had taken the earlier (easier) exams should be required to take the new
>hands on exams in order to keep their RPT status. 
>Dave Bunch

Vince Mrykalo RPT MPT
"Why do schools of music content themselves with teaching students how to
smite keyboards and think it unnecesary to tell them about equal
temperament and how that system affects musical intonation?" - Wm. Braid
White quoted in the PT July 1954

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