
Fri, 22 May 1998 09:25:07 EDT

Greg & Jim & List

I've been able to buff soft plastic by using the compound for buffing poly
finishes, and by modifying my buffing wheel.  I cut the top 2-3 layers of
stitching and remove the threads, turn on the buffer and rake the wheel with a
wire brush followed by a wooden paddle to remove any captured wire (can that
leave a nasty pattern of scratches). The wheel will flare more and carry more
compound.  Be sure to load it with enough compound. It does the
cutting/polishing. The wheel carries the medium and can provide the heat for
burnishing.  Clean the wheel often with the wire brush and wooden paddle. I
learned this trick from a Kimball tech when the they took on Bosendorfers.

Paul Chick RPT
Plainview MN

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