Thank you everyone!

Conrad Hoffsommer
Fri, 22 May 1998 14:47:12 -0500

At 20:07 5/20/98 +0000, you wrote:
>snip> I just passed the tuning exam to put an end to the 
>David Gordon RPT
>Actually it's just the beginning of the road...
>David Ilvedson, RPT

IMHO Davidē are both right.  It is the end of the road to the exam, but it
becomes the start of so many other roads.   The choices are increased, and
the amazing thing about the choices now available is that multiple choices
are possible.  Avenues now are opened up with knowledge and experience
gained by rubbing shoulders, picking brains and working with many of the
most knowledgable practitioners of the craft.  These paths also branch along
the way, and with continued upgrading of skills through PTG and it members,
there's no telling how far you may go.

(can you tell it's commencement time around here?)

Live long and prosper.

Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT

Conrad Hoffsommer		Office - (319) 387-1204
Luther College                         Music Dept Fax - (319) 387-1076
700 College Drive
Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045   

Ignorance doesn't kill you, but it will make you sweat a lot. - Haitian proverb

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