
Bill Ballard
Sat, 23 May 1998 08:13:59 -0400

I have a brass spring (from the Renner cat.)  with a short leg (1/4") and a
long one (1-1/4") with a coil of three turns in between. The two legs are
at 60 degrees to each other. I would like to take the short leg and put a
60 degree backwards bend in it (so that it would now point @ 135 degrees
from the long leg). Given the short stub here, this bend will have to be  a
sharp one (done of course with miniature round nose pliers). My only reason
for this bend is to change the location at which the short leg ties the
spring down (--the long leg does the moving).

Would this new bend need to be specially treated (annealed ?) to undo any
weakness it might cause? Or will it hold up just as well as any other
section of the spring?

Bill Ballard, RPT
New Hampshire Chapter, PTG

"There are fifty ways to screw up on this job. If you can think of twenty
of them, you're a genius......and you aint no genius"
Mickey Rourke to William Hurt, in "Body Heat", discussing arson.

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