there are enough IPTs ?

Carl Root
Sun, 24 May 1998 12:17:20 -0400

Pianosrv wrote:
> IMHO,  Becoming a member of a piano technicians organization should not bring
> with it such great "status". . . .

If you pass a comprehensive exam that has been formulated and
administered by qualified technicians, then yes, it does confer a
certain 'status'.

> . . . . .  or self proclaimed power as to condem others in
> the field. 

OK.  Judgement and condemenation are not the best way to encourage
others to follow in our footsteps, but those of us who have taken the
exam know that it took courage to voluntarily subject ourselves to peer
review.  It is fair to say that you will be more likely to find that
courage when you feel that you have learned the skills necessary to
reach what PTG has determined is a minimum standard of performance.    

> If you take those kinds of notions to heart then you will only
> become a registered piano tinkerer.

Whatever personal failings we may have, passing a recognized test still
removes us from the catagory 'registered piano tinkerer'.
> Tom Ayers   P.T.P     (part time philosopher)

Carl D. Root  RPT   (also part time philosopher)

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