Vintage Everett grand

Keith McGavern
Sun, 24 May 1998 15:36:52 -0500 (CDT)

Dear List,

I recently acquired a 1913 Everett 6' grand.  On the plate it says The
Everett, Boston.  Initially, I was unimpressed with this instrument and
would not normally take notice of such an instrument because of the name
alone (other than the uniqueness of this being the only one in 20 years),
but upon moving it into the home/shop and doing some initial rough work, it
is starting to impress me.

Now check this out.  I also have a Steinway M in the room adjacent to the
Everett.  Thus far, two piano playing people, who have sat at both pianos,
invariably want to play on the Everett rather than the Steinway (which is
in fine condition).  This is something that has just happened without
prompting on my part.

If anyone on the list has experience with any other vintage Everett grands
such as this, I'd be very interested in reading about it.  Heck, at this
time, I'd even be interested in opinions or viewpoints on this type piano
and the seeming attraction it thus far has.

Thank you,

Keith A. McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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