Re: ,,,,,jeeeeeeeesh.  Too much room for error in e-mail. Was enough IPTs.

Susan Kline
Sun, 24 May 1998 15:19:56

Dear Michiel,

Thank you for your very kind compliments to "World Class Junk". The column
started last October. If you missed any of the earlier articles, I would be
glad to put them in an envelope and mail them to you, if you will e-mail me
your postal address. The May issue contains a discussion of safety, with a
fairly useless self-portrait. The next article (more about odd kinds of
safety) should appear in July.

It is now time for me to stop preening myself, and work on the next one!

"Tinkerer" wasn't such a bad choice, for a word. You sound like an
excellent tinkerer. My own efforts along that line are fairly minor. That
trick of using the CA and white glue together is probably my best discovery. 



At 10:07 PM 5/24/98 +0200, you wrote:
>Tom, Susan, Jim, Carl and others,
>I really stirred up something by using the word TINKERER.
>Now I realise that maybe I didn't use the right word.
>What I tried to say was the English translation of the Dutch word KNOEIER or
>BEUNHAAS (bungler,cowboy,moonlighter according to my dictionary).( Any
>bungler,cowboy or moonlighter who is offended can E-mail me privately.)
>I was thinking about the times when I was confronted repairs done by people
>who did not know their own limitations, to phrase it politely.
>I can give many examples of that, but I'm sure you all know what I mean.
>The way Susan describes a tinkerer brings me to the conclusion that I am one
>I invent and make new tools just for the fun of it. "World Class Junk" is
>the first thing I read when I get the Journal and am still waiting for the
>May issue.
>I often use very unconventional methods to get results. But only when the
>conventional way is impossible, to expensive or to much time consuming. I
>use CA glue to tighten tuning pins and believe it is the best thing to do if
>replacing the pinblock is no option.
>I believe that if you only do it by the book , you will leave a lot of
>customers in the cold.
>Tom if you want to be independent that is o.k. and don't be ashamed of it.
>Cyriel if you return to Holland I hope you will join the VvPN. There is a
>lot to learn in that organisation and by what I know about you, you can
>learn them a lot.
>Michiel van Loon
Susan Kline
P.O. Box 1651
Philomath, OR 97370		

"I'm glad there are at least some things somewhere that I don't have to do
		-- Ashleigh Brilliant

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