Boardman & Gray

Carl Root
Mon, 25 May 1998 13:12:28 -0400

Anne Beetem wrote:
> I've e-mailed a lengthy reply to Vanderhoofven about his Boardman & Gray
> questions.
> If people are interested, I'll forward to them, but considering the
> "throw em in the bonfire"  attitudes I'm seeing out there,  I won't bother
> boring those who could care less.

It is not my intention to discourage discussion on this, or any other,
topic.  Far from being bored, I would say that the decision to adjust,
repair, rebuild, or junk is perhaps the most important one we're all
faced with on a daily basis.   

I'm sure you're aware that the NY piano fire is a true story.  Eighty
years later, many WW II spinets and seventy-year-old uprights would
indeed be candidates for another fire.  If you can afford to stay in
business working on old instruments, more power to you.  How you
determine which ones to work on and which to condemn are a part of your
work that I and others on this list might find interesting.  


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