pitch lowering

WPRB@aol.com WPRB@aol.com
Wed, 27 May 1998 21:54:30 EDT

Hi Rob, 
 First I would explain that humidity had caused the situation, and get
some humidity control working.  Let it do its job, then begin the
tuning stabilization.  Just as with raising, one pass in one day won't
do it when the piano is unstable.  You will run into big problems
when you lower pitch caused by high humidity.  I would leave several
days between installation of the humidity equipment and the tuning,
unless the tuning is needed immediately.  Allow the equipment to
help return the wood to its intended dimensions, then still expect
to do some lowering.  You might want to lower specific areas, like
the tenor, which are particularly sharp, at the same time as the
installation.  This can be done in just a few minutes, and be part 
of your service that day.  Even then, and with a full tuning done a
week or two later, the piano will continue to have residual reactions
from its unstable state.  When you go back in a few months (anywhere
from one to six, depending on the situation) you can expect to find
the pitch to have dropped, perhaps drastically.  So the less pitch-
lowering you do by tuning, the better off you, the customer, and the
piano, all will be.  
If it's for a concert that day, that's a different subject.  Then you go
over it and over it until it's stable.  But get paid for your time and skill.
As far as your question about machines, the Accu-Tuner is a gift of 
manna from heaven.  
The simplest advice: knock down the high spots, then start tuning.
And get that humidity system in place, whatever components are
needed for the size piano, its condition, and the environment around it.
Good luck!  Ruth Brown
P.S. The time to set the whole program up is before you start doing
anything.  Explain the situation to the customer, and get things
squared away.  If you just lower pitch, then discuss coming back,
it's too late.  They won't understand why your tuning didn't hold.

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