pitch lowering

DGPEAKE@aol.com DGPEAKE@aol.com
Thu, 28 May 1998 22:47:14 EDT

In a message dated 98-05-28 10:43:33 EDT, you write:

 I remember Dr. Sanderson talking about a one-third offset also, but it
 was regarding the difference in offset needed whether you strip-muted
 the entire piano or tuned all three strings as you go.  More offset is
 needed on a pitch change if you tune the middle string throughout and
 then go back and do unisons as you would in a tuning.  He recommended
 one-quarter offset when raising strings as you go, and one third for
 strip-muters. Personally, I think strip-muting for a pitch adjustment is
 a waste of time.>>

If you are tuning the unisons as you go, strip muting is the fastest way to
go.  Even in uprights, you can push the temperament strip with to pieces of
sheet metal below the dampers.  I can pitch raise in about 15 minutes (1
minute to strip mute), and usually close enough to pitch to fine tune.  Moving
rubber mutes around can be a waste of time.

My humble opinion of course.

Dave Peake, RPT
Portland, OR

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