
Richard Raskob
Sat, 30 May 1998 08:33:33 -0600

You Wrote:

>According to the Ancott book:

>Steinway L   Ebony  $38,600.
>Steinway M  Ebony  $34,600

>These are last year's prices. There might be a slight increase since then.
>One thing to remember, with the way pianos are sold today, most dealers 
>discount  20% or even 30% to get close a deal.

I can only speak for the dealer I work for but a discount on a Steinway of 
greater than 10% has not happen in well over a year.  The other pianos we 
stock will sometimes get a 20 to 30% discount.  Most of the Steinway sales 
we have are at the above mentioned prices.

Richard Raskob  RPT
Albuquerque NM

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