Viennese action

Douglas Hershberger
Sat, 30 May 1998 20:24:57 -0700

Dear list,
   I have a customer with a Viennese piano by the name of;
       A. GIRIKOWSKI IN WIEN written on the fallboard, the serial number
is #3356. My customer and I were wondering if any of you folks could
tell us the age or any other information about this piano. I could not
find the name in my atlas.
   I guess its pretty typical with leather covered hammers,what appears
to be a single escapement, a damper system that hinges above the strings
which you can remove as a single unit. The action slides up a ramp type
arrangement into the action bay. It appears to be of a high quality. 
   It looks like the real important action regulation points would be
the key height, key dip(regulated by a bar at the back of the keys),
lost motion at the point  where the escapement takes place and maybe the
hammer to string distance. 
   I have very little experience with these pianos except for tuning. Do
any of you, my esteemed colleagues have any words of wisdom on these
pianos. It seems very simple almost like a square grand action. Also, do
any of you folks know what the material is that the dampers have as a
hinge? It almost looks like a drum head type material.
   Thank you, this list is very helpful.
Doug Hershberger, RPT

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